Now that the ball is on all citizens to do their part in COVID-19 adaptation, let me do my part as an INVESTIGATIONS EXPERT and say something about EFFECTIVE CONTACT TRACING.
We already have several money transfer services like mpesa, Airtel, Yucash and others that you’ve never heard of….
How widespread is their coverage???
How Much Do they cost??
I’m getting to the point… just reason with me here…
Mostly likely its free… so, we use it more often…
Now, imagine you tried your very best to limit your movements and beat curfew and then PAP!!! COVID-19 +…
mhhh… where was I 14 days ago?????…. Ayayaiyayayayai…..
Who have I met in the past 6 days….
Anyways, here’s something that will help you keep track…
But, I insist,
okay, now that mobile money and cash transfers is free to some limits and you get statements… still with me????
you check your mpesa statement as from 14 days ago and see who you paid for what and which delivery did you make to who or whom and so forth…
Call them and ask them how they are…
Do your civic duty and give the MOH your mpesa statement… or just previews of what matters in the statement.
There are several apps that are being developed to assist with this.
What if each of us just did their part…